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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
January 28th, 2021 7:46:23am
2,272 Posts

This forum is for Lanthe (C.o.A.), Skadi (Sat), Sigrid (pink), Starkad (Jax), and I (Astrid/Nad) to discuss the events of Mango's Epic Quest 2021 since there's 6 of us. That way we don't have to message each other individually.

Astrid, Bear Clan Diplomat
Ianthe, Raven Clan Warrior 
Skadi, Snake Clan Loremaster
Sigrid, Dragon Clan Naturalist

Starkad, Snake Clan Infiltrator
Hillevi, Horse Clan Navigator

Asti, Deer Clan Diplomat



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Tragedy - upgrades reserved
March 24th, 2021 6:53:25am
1,816 Posts

In my recent book reading I have come across a book that actually talks about this idea of traveling to other unique plants and it's really gotten my creative juices going. 

Ideas like the natives are actually bands of women warriors who can actually transform into beasts when it comes time for battle! They'd be like jaquars in the jungle and speak a foreign tongue. The island has many dangerous other beasts which is why they have adapted to changing themselves to survive!

a sea world one would be so beautiful though and we could get into some awesome detail with the environment!
Would it be the planet is completely underwater and if there are natives they live there (like mermaids)?

We do have a short amount of time! Ahhhh!


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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
March 24th, 2021 7:07:41am
4,026 Posts

Ohh that sounds amazing Tragedy! We need a nominated writer for all these great ideas!

warrior sea people! 

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Tragedy - upgrades reserved
March 24th, 2021 9:00:02am
1,816 Posts

That's what I was thinking too! Who is the best or up for the challenge?

We will need to think of things like the temperatures, weather, climates, animal and plant species, language(s), disease/illness, environmental hazards, etc. once we decide on the type of planet I think these things will come together much easier. 


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N.aima 4 {2025-04-18} {نعيمة} ✝️☄️ Astronomical Arabians
March 24th, 2021 9:02:51am
33 Posts

Yeah, this planet definitely sounds icy and cold considering the ship equipment dies and there's frost formed on the hull.



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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
March 24th, 2021 9:15:24am
4,026 Posts

This planet is icy and watery/jungly (thinking similar to the amazon, but with with icy planes as well)

With native warriors that can transform into any animal - animals are earthian in creation? But animals that live in Jungles - so like panthers, leopards, tucans, etc It could be copious, like the amazon, but each animal has a thicker, shaggy coats to protect them from the winter snows. These warriors are very much in tune with nature and live in "tree houses" connected with vines. They are around 6 feet tall and willowy in nature.

Its often foggy or misty

But it has beautiful vivid colours,


How does this sound so far?


Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Tragedy - upgrades reserved
March 24th, 2021 9:38:54am
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Oooooh I love the twist! A cold jungle which I had never even though of before. The icy areas could be colored ice or something unique of that nature. What a cool idea! I am just using my phone or else I would try and type out a lot more myself. It's hard to respond well on my phone (while at work. Oops xD)


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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
March 24th, 2021 9:41:41am
2,272 Posts

I was just trying to check if it had all mangos requirements before I responded. But I thought it sounded cool.

Just I thought we should make sure there's enough emphasis on its very cold all year. Winters are just exceptionally cold.

The vivid colors could also be in all the crystallized ice  and icicles covering everything. I live in Maine and when we get our ice storms every winter, its absolutely breathtaking!



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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
March 24th, 2021 9:43:47am
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I mean I am happy to whip something up tonight and post it up quickly and then we can all comment and make sure its what we want.

Please don't ask for names of planets - I suck at this part. Or the name of the inhabitants

Ultimatly we only have a week to submit so we needa get cracking :)

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Tragedy - upgrades reserved
March 24th, 2021 9:44:28am
1,816 Posts

It literally could be an ice jungle! I'm glad you're remembering to check in on all that Nad. The winter time could have severe cold weather as in stays -40 or below etc but regular temps (summer time) are 0 to 20 or so. So never exactly pleasing temperatures which makes sense for the animals hair/hides, etc being thicker tougher and stronger to survive.


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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
March 24th, 2021 9:46:06am
4,026 Posts

The name Velantris just came to me when I was doodling (what I call my outlining) for the name of the planet? (Kinda like atlantis with all of the water, and iceyness)

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Tragedy - upgrades reserved
March 24th, 2021 9:58:09am
1,816 Posts

I'd be totally down for that name. Has more of that Viking feel as well I think. As you say you are terrible with names!! Yeah right lol


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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
March 24th, 2021 10:00:09am
4,026 Posts

Thats what I was thinking before, how to create it with a viking feel.

I do okay with writing sometimes! My poor fingers ache from all the typing in the THTH blog!

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
March 24th, 2021 11:05:18am
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Welcome to our planet, Valentris. This is a planet where only the brave may tread. Full of icy wonder, tread carefully over our fields of ice, and do not let the bright, vibrant colours fool you. There are many monsters who lurk in the dark, just waiting for someone to be caught unawares. Our ice jungles hold wonders, creatures that you have never seen before, panthers with extra heavy coats to protect them from the frosts, and cold. Leopards and bright carnivorous toucans prowl the treetops, waiting for their next meal.

Valentris is a cruel mistress. The days are short, filled with mist and foggy, easy for an unaware traveller to get lost. Though the sun shines on Valentris, the cold seeps into your very being and you never feel quite warm enough. Our winters are harsh, with snowstorms, and hurricanes lashing at our heels, great wind monsters rising from the north. But when they pass, behold the coloured ice dangly from the trees, beautiful hues of blues and pinks, but be wary the uneducated traveller, stand underneath one and you are in for a painful death.

Valentris is home to the Valentrians, a race of warriors that have the ability to take on any animal form that they so choose too. Tall and willowy, the Valentrians are natural tree climbers, and make their homes among the treetops, away from the ice and snow. Living in clans, or tribes, they live in harmony with the forest, taking only what they need.

But most of all, look out for us Valentrians, we don’t take it kindly when a stranger enters our midsts.


Right, I whacked this out in five minutes to give us a bit of a basis to work from. Thoughts, ideas, comments? Is it the worst thing you've ever read and now you need to dig out your eyeballs just so you can forget you ever read it?

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
March 24th, 2021 11:26:22am
2,272 Posts

I think it's great! I'm glad we have a good writer on our crew. I can come up with ideas. But I'm not good at wording it like this!

The only thing in mangos criteria that we were missing was the name, but i figured we'd figure that out once we decided on all the details of the planet. But I like that name!



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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
March 24th, 2021 12:17:59pm
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It needs a bit of work, but I will fix it up when we are all agreed, and have the ideas done :) 

But thank you. I get a bit anxious about sharing writing that I have done :) 

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
March 24th, 2021 3:14:37pm
3,988 Posts

I see that y'all wasted no time starting to chat about this and I LOVE the ideas! I agree, when I was reading the prompt - I immediately thought icy or water because those are the 2 things that can wreck technology. 
I love the idea of warrior women and the name! It makes me think of Velaris (city from ACOTAR series) and Atlantis squished together and still has the Viking vibe. 
You've got my support! Just let me know how I can help! 



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Tragedy - upgrades reserved
March 24th, 2021 5:49:26pm
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How about the inhabitants are female dominated (alphas, leaders, decision makers)(with males existing obviously for reproduction and so forth) and they can only change into a certain type of animal by their packs/groupings? group A: jaguars while group B: Gorillas.

How heavily populated do we want the world? Perhaps relatively sparsley populated as it is a tough world to live in with maybe only 30 or so in groupings spread out in centralized areas. Like you said City they are resourceful and not ones to over utilize their envoronments. 

Should we go more in-depth into the type of plants, creatures and other things that exist on Valentris? Maybe even like unique plants that are like sweet honey when sucked on (kind of like honey-suckle) or frogs that when they hope place to place that actually defrost the ice with their toes.


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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
March 24th, 2021 6:16:24pm
4,026 Posts

Ohhhhh that is so cool! Yep I can add all those in :) I especially love the frog idea :) 

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
March 24th, 2021 6:21:37pm
2,272 Posts

In City's original post, she talked about it having copious amount of life. But I was thinking minimal life like tragedy said just because it is such a harsh environment.

I'm not a huge fan of the female dominated civilization myself. Sounds too feminist for me considering I'm the exact opposite. I'm actually very traditional. But you guys decide what you want to on that.

But if we have 2 separate groups of people, maybe they're rival groups that hate each other's guts and are always at war with each other?



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Tragedy - upgrades reserved
March 24th, 2021 6:33:00pm
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My idea with the women domination in not to promote feminism or anything just to make the world unique and possibly different from others but I understand where you are coming from Nad! That is definitely something that can be voted upon and easily changed to something else because I'm sure someone else can come up with an even better more creative idea!

the idea of a separation within the worlds population itself adds volatility to anyone coming onto the planet as they won't know what's going on and will have to stay out of it which could make it worse or possibly better!


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