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Club/Assoc place in forums

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Zoiink & Belli
February 4th, 2013 1:03:07am
12 Posts
Just an idea, because I was just confused where to type something.. as a suggestion, perhaps adding an "association" and "Club" forum section.. not to post suggestions for new ones, because we already have that, but to post on the forum what is going on in your association this month/week. That way players can see off hand what's new. When you send out the message in your association to all players, you are only reaching your members already, and someone outside of the association won't see it.

It helps because then you have it posted where it's not going to disappear so fast like in chat, and it let's the entire community know what's going on currently in the different associations of the game, perhaps even with associations where you don't commonly go on and read their page might post something to peak your interest.

Right now I'd love to post a thread about the Endangered Breeds Assoc. searching for "default breed graphics" people would like to donate to our "default picture" database that's being made. So players can come get the link to the picture for free and it helps with animals who are hard to find stock for, and new players picking up an endangered breed also. This for example, would be great as a forum thread :)

So I guess to sum it up.. a special place in the forum for club/assoc. posts!


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Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners
February 4th, 2013 1:38:54am
1,309 Posts
I agree, I think this would be useful. Sam should be able to add it in quickly when she sees this (assuming she agrees with me!). :)


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Bellicus - Tronic watching!
February 4th, 2013 5:20:13pm
115 Posts
Oh I hope so! It would be great to post about our breed features, and different things we are doing/searching for help with in our association!


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
February 4th, 2013 11:07:20pm
4,333 Posts
Sure, we can add this in :). Give me like half an hour and I'll get to it.


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