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Help me get my mojo back - Win a free layout coded by me.

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aveera 🥑 coding is open
April 26th, 2022 11:46:55pm
267 Posts

Hey everyone,

When I left HP, I put all of my HP documents, including all my codes, on an external hard-drive. I went to get everything off that hard drive and it was dead. My husband tried to extract the data but he said it was beyond his capabilities so they are all gone.

Since coming back last week, I've relearned coding with HPs new changes and coded a couple of layouts but I'm having trouble finding inspiration for layouts. I've scrolled through my unsplash favorites gallery. I've looked through a bunch of palattes and patterns but nothing is really jumping out at me. Its like writers block but for coding layouts.

So... I am asking your help. Give me the inspiration and if I code a layout using your idea, you get the layout for free.

Suggest a theme or provide a stock photo you would like turned into a layout. Give me a pattern or even just a color palette that you think would be amazing. Anything you think would inspire an awesome layout.

Some things to note:

- It will be a tabbed layout but feel free to suggest how many tabs and if you'd like an additional scroll box.

- I don't do photo manipulation beyond adding text and cropping. All photos will be used as is.

- If you provide a picture, it must be a stock photo that is usable on HP. Please provide the link to the original source.

- Patterns must come from colourlovers.com

- Once I've created the layout, I'll post a link to the finished layout and announce the winner.

- I expect to have the layout completed by Sunday, May 8.

- If two suggestions inspire me, then I may code two layouts and have two winners.


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trig ❄️ the best is yet to come
April 27th, 2022 10:17:50am
3,615 Posts

Bumping for you! 

Bailey Lucky Diesel Mixed Berries rooster-icon-2-orig_orig.png


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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
April 27th, 2022 10:19:55am
27,674 Posts

This is kinda random, but I think there's a lot of cool pictures if you go to unsplash and search for "zen" (link: https://unsplash.com/s/photos/zen )


there's a lot of really cool nature-y stuff, but different from what you normally see around HP.



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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
April 27th, 2022 10:52:58am
3,988 Posts

I've been wanting to get this manip from Uta coded - you're welcome to give it a go if you feel inspired by it! 

It's inspired by greek gods and my flametas lines! 



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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
April 27th, 2022 1:15:27pm
2,902 Posts

I have a few things I need coded xD


Is the one I offer for tribute. I've missed seeing you around.




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aveera 🥑 coding is open
April 28th, 2022 4:12:06pm
267 Posts



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vanity 🎀
April 29th, 2022 12:29:44am
306 Posts

not stock but


I have this image I won in an auction almost a year ago I always thought it would look awesome as a layout

Vanity-Fjord.png 6h5drue.png


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Gothika - SEA's ( Happy Holidays! )
January 23rd, 2023 2:52:08am
1,200 Posts

This is stock:

This looks really pretty.

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