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Critique & Question?

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Isley | Phoenix Farms Inc.
May 15th, 2023 10:06:38pm
143 Posts

Hey all, so growing up on these SIM games I developed a huge passion for photo manipulation and photography, but I have not made a horse manip in probaly 17 years. I was about 15 the last time I ever made one. But I just put this together real fast and wanted to see if my taste was still relevant, LOL.Β 


Also, I made sure my image wasnt more than 800x600 but it still uploads really small for me. What can I do to fix that?


Here he isss



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May 16th, 2023 7:25:11pm
571 Posts

Very pretty Isley!! It definitely has that old school HL vibe that I love and miss.Β 

Did you use the actual .jpg or .png for your horses page? I tried this one on my horse real quick and it looked correct size:

β€œLife is short but also like terribly and insufferably long at the same time.” - Jenna Marbles


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Isley | Phoenix Farms Inc.
May 16th, 2023 9:26:03pm
143 Posts

Thank you! and I really love that it has that old school vibe. Do you remember 'faded impressionz' ? I learned from her :']Β 

I Used JPEG file. But. I think maybe it's an issue the source that I'm using from photobucket. I'm going to try your way. I made another one today for my horse 'khartoum' and it ended the same way. Let me see how to get to that source.

I'm literally so old now I don't even know how to source photos correctly lol...Β 

Edit: fixed and grateful XDΒ 


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utakata -✨-{main; dwbs}- - it's the code you live by that defines who you are
May 17th, 2023 4:40:42am
1,520 Posts

These are super cute - and very nostalgic, as Vex says. No critique whatsoever, but I love them, keep it up! :)



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Isley | Phoenix Farms Inc.
May 17th, 2023 3:22:10pm
143 Posts

Aw, thank you so much!! I am glad I can bring a bit of nostalgia into your lives


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