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Energy Used

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Kuwait | Beware The Judderman, My Dear |
June 1st, 2024 12:25:07pm
2,891 Posts

Please could something be added to "Energy" to show how much 

The energy section was added a few years ago, now, but I still forget that 80 (for example) means used and not remaining. I'm going through my accounts to finish up training, and found a few with "0" in the energy section, meaning they hadn't been trained. My stupid brain saw it as them having zero energy left. To me, "0" means there is no energy left.

I hope this make sense? :



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Administrator blitz✊🏻PROJECT🌈
June 1st, 2024 4:50:41pm
6,442 Posts

Your post makes sense, however at this point I'm not looking to add any more to that field. If I added, for example, the word "used" after the generated number of energy used amount, it would make that whole line longer, affect peoples' layout...many players already choose to code their layouts to "eat" the food/board columns. Adding the word would just make it longer again.


Hope THAT makes sense (lol)



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