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Need Help with Names!

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arzu // AmStaffies 🐾💙
June 22nd, 2024 8:36:04pm
221 Posts

Working at an animal hospital I hear all the time how someone's deceased pet "sent" them their new one. I'll be honest I always thought it was a sweet thought but always thought it to be a stretch. Well I was about to leave work the other day when one of my coworkers told me I needed to take this appointment, that I would either cry or it would make my day. I walk into the room to find 8 baby pittie pups, ~4 brindles and ~4 black and whites. I of course squished and squeezed each one and was over joyed I had not left yet as puppy snuggles always help when I'm missing my sweet boy (which is all the time btw). One of our basic questions we ask all litter exams is if they have homes or not as we like to send "passports" that has all the info for the new owner and try to use their "new" names when possible. They said that all of them did, but that one of them had just backed out shortly before the appointment. I continue on, getting weights and trimming toes on each pup. When I get to the purple collar baby I stop dead in my tracks. She looked JUST like Buster did as a puppy. I pick her up and set her on the scale and they were like THIS is the one that no longer has a home. In that moment I knew Buster had sent her my way. Her home had JUST fell through, she's a female (hubby's one condition for next dog was it be female), her collar color is purple which is my absolute favorite color, and she looked just like my Buster boy did. Well lets just say I'm glad her previous owners backed out bc now this perfect angel is coming home to me on Friday and I am over joyed. I know she is not Buster and will never replace Buster, but the thought of having another black and white pittie in my home makes my heart smile. 

Now the hardest part. I'm very weird about names. Most animals I get already had a name and I CANNOT change an animals name when I get it. So this is the first time I've had to actually pick a name in a very long time. You'd think after playing HP for so long I'd have a list of names, and I do for boys (bc I've always preferred boy animals) but have NO names for girls. That's where you guys come in (: I need names! Only condition is it not be something basic like Luna or Bella xD Right now I have a very short list with Ember being my hubby and I's favorite so far. Here are some pics of her and her parents to help (: As an incentive, if I pick someone's name they will win a 1 month upgrade :D

Current List :

Ember, Harper, Camila, Hattie, Georgie, Luma, Azura, Clover, Raven

Here is my sweet girl: purple pittie pup ??

Another pic:

One more:

Buster's first pic vs hers:





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arzu // AmStaffies 🐾💙
June 22nd, 2024 8:40:06pm
221 Posts

Bumpity Bump (: no deadline, she comes home this Friday so I will probably attempt to have something picked by next Sunday but if nothing fits nothing fits xD thanks for yall's help!!



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Kuwait | Beware The Judderman, My Dear |
June 22nd, 2024 8:54:33pm
2,889 Posts

Elora or Alora


Shamrock or Clover













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Insomnia • [20] ⸸ Home of Legends
June 22nd, 2024 8:56:21pm
5 Posts

omg I want one D=







That's all I got off the top of my head



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N.adhima 5 {2025-02-21} 🦄 Majestic Mystics
June 22nd, 2024 9:18:26pm
25 Posts

What about Sophie because that was the mate you had trained for your recent mascot devoted to Buster? Just a thought because they go together on here.


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arzu // AmStaffies 🐾💙
June 22nd, 2024 11:10:59pm
221 Posts

@Nad that's a super cute idea but Sophie was Buster's girlfriend growing up. She is my friends dog so I don't want them to have the same name xD if Sophie wasn't based off a real dog I totally would have jumped at that though! 

Clover and Raven have been added to my list :D keep them coming!



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mango 🍑 uppies reserved
June 22nd, 2024 11:27:05pm
2,925 Posts

I don't have a list (yet), but may I suggest Zuzu? Could be short for Susie, or Susette/Susan/Susanna, but I just love the nickname Zuzu for a pittie girl :D



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Little Wolf 🍍 Labrabulls
June 23rd, 2024 12:46:31am
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Congrats on the new furbaby, she is too precious! =)



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Eyre 🍂 jack'o'lantern kisses
June 23rd, 2024 12:50:27am
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She looks like a Hattie to me. :)


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Kyuubi || Completely Behind, Catching Up
June 23rd, 2024 12:58:30am
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After reading your post a name that comes to mind for me is Miracle, Mira for short?


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June 23rd, 2024 5:38:45am
137 Posts

We recently got a puppy and ended up with a male (only ever had female!) the names I had chosen before knowing we would get a male were Bramble or Purdy. I love the name Brontë too (one of our previous dogs but she came with the name)

congrats on your new pup :D


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adeina ❧ border collies ❦
June 23rd, 2024 6:35:56am
1,786 Posts

I really love this for you. I love Clover and Raven. Here are a few suggestions of mine:

- Willa

- Fern

- Wren 

- Feyre

- Rosa 

- Silhouette (Silly for short)

- Rosie

- Amren

- Nesta 

- Juniper (Juni)







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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. Laptop conked out, plz hold…🤦‍♀️
June 23rd, 2024 10:19:36am
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The mom looks just like my brother's pittie, Ramsay! 

He also has a female named Phoebe! That somehow just fits a girl pittie hah



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Fantasy German Shepherds (Main)
June 23rd, 2024 10:37:58am
174 Posts





my favourite name is Spur - i wanted to name my new puppy that, but my nephew already named the puppy Scout - and i wanted to honor that as the puppy was supposed to be his but gave her to me




Cinder (my own mare's name)



Adara - hebrew for Fire

Sira- swahili for burning ember

cyra - persian name meaning born in the light





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Content Moderator 🐈~BV~(Away till Oct 19th - Moorf Watching)🍂
June 25th, 2024 7:09:32pm
8,597 Posts

Oh! I'm so happy for you!!! It was meant to be!!! < 3

Mai or Mae were the first two that popped into my head. :)

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Kuwait | Beware The Judderman, My Dear |
June 25th, 2024 7:24:44pm
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I'd like to also suggest Siri and Cortana. XD



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Tragedy upgrades 280mill]
June 25th, 2024 7:42:43pm
1,731 Posts

So happy for you Arzu! Can't wait to see more pictures as your beautiful girl grows. 
Twyla, Kinsey, Nelly, Zena

everyone has great names! Just some ideas



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Content Moderator ɹ o ʇ ǝ l l ǝ ʞ s
June 25th, 2024 11:39:13pm
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I LOVE Hattie

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Insomnia ⸸ 🩷🖤💙It's been nothin' but neon
August 9th, 2024 2:05:28am
2,697 Posts

Did you pick a name? XDD



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