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The Server Migration is finally happening!

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Administrator blitz✊🏻PROJECT🌈 [going through a brain adjustment, bear with me!]
July 26th, 2024 8:13:28pm
6,407 Posts

The Server Migration is finally happening!


(I hope…)


I have scheduled the server migration for tonight at 7pm HP time (EST). The server people claim there will be no down time when it happens, but I just wanted to let everyone know just in case it comes with downtime or bugs. 


I did do a series of tests to the game on the new server a few times to make sure there was nothing obviously wrong (forum posts, joining, etc), however I chose not to test out the crons in case it somehow affected the live site. 


Part of the merger will involve them doing a sync of the entire game as it stands at approximately 6:59pm, so in theory the game should be as “current” as possible. 


Fingers crossed it goes according to plan…if somehow it breaks the internet, please check our social media platforms for updates on getting it back up and running!




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Administrator blitz✊🏻PROJECT🌈 [going through a brain adjustment, bear with me!]
July 26th, 2024 8:13:43pm
6,407 Posts


The migration should now be complete...guy was SUPER prompt (1 minute early!) and it was completed within about half an hour.

If you notice anything SUPER wonky all of a sudden, please let me know. Like I said, I did do a bunch of tests on what I see to be the obvious things...creating a new account, creating a new forum post, posting in chat, etc., and after a few minor bugs I reported to them, the last test I did worked perfectly, so as far as I know things should be status quo post-migration. The one thing I did not test was the crons, as I didn't want to manually run them on the new server while it was in test mode (which had me as the only player online), and risk it affect the live game that everyone else was seeing. So that will have to be a "wait and see" until they run like normal tonight.



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Binx 🦇 • ‹𝖒𝖆𝖎𝖓› • British Spotted Ponies 🦋
July 26th, 2024 8:30:23pm
5,006 Posts

Yayyyyy! (:

❤️💛🧡 I see your true colors shining through 💚💙💜


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Jaya • Awesome, wow!
July 27th, 2024 8:05:38am
27,051 Posts

The only wonky thing I see is on the forums - the category names in each section are in a different order. Weird!



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Administrator blitz✊🏻PROJECT🌈 [going through a brain adjustment, bear with me!]
July 28th, 2024 2:20:25pm
6,407 Posts

Current known bugs

- uta's page updating - server people looking at

- oak's forum post edit - server people looking at

- forum categories order - blitz looking into



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Insomnia ⸸ 🩷🖤💙It's been nothin' but neon
August 7th, 2024 12:29:10am
2,691 Posts

I can really tell a difference in the way the site runs!



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Jaya • Awesome, wow!
August 7th, 2024 10:09:29pm
27,051 Posts

I'm just glad it went smoothly



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Administrator blitz✊🏻PROJECT🌈 [going through a brain adjustment, bear with me!]
August 7th, 2024 10:10:09pm
6,407 Posts

God me too lmao

I was so over dealing with the server people by that point, between the crons and the migration.



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Jaya • Awesome, wow!
August 7th, 2024 10:10:40pm
27,051 Posts

I think you get a gold star for dealing with that/them!



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Insomnia ⸸ 🩷🖤💙It's been nothin' but neon
August 7th, 2024 10:12:49pm
2,691 Posts

a crown too



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Administrator blitz✊🏻PROJECT🌈 [going through a brain adjustment, bear with me!]
August 8th, 2024 12:57:53pm
6,407 Posts

Gee thanks lol

I agree that it's running better than ever. I especially notice it on the messages loads a lot faster, when previously it took me purging specific old auto-messages (like club registration messages) periodically to get it to be faster!



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