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Suggestion/Feedback Summary, July 2024

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Administrator blitz✊🏻PROJECT🌈
August 9th, 2024 6:16:25pm
6,442 Posts

suggestion/feedback summary, july 2024


Every month, by request, I will be making a post summarizing that month's anonymous suggestions/feedback, and my response to them. Each submission will have also been shared with the other admins for their feedback as well (especially if the submission specifically pertains to their job), and their views are also expressed here in my summary, as indicated. Feedback from other admins is in their words...I just copy and paste it into the post.


#1: Removing banned accounts from the rankings list - I like seeing my name raise up, but many banned accounts are holding down spots.

Which rankings list? I just took a quick look, and the only ones I saw banned people on were the Referrers and the Players by Join Year (which is more meant as a fun one and doesn't award achievements). Is it one of those, or am I missing something?


#2: When entering shows as a basic account, could there be an option to order shows in the same manner as an upgrade for enter all shows -- such as order shows from price low to high or high to low before entering instead of the default shows ordered by when players created them?

At this time, that's not something I'm looking to's considered one of the perks of being an upgrade, sorry!


#3: why are so many breed embassies owned by players who haven't played in ages/basic accounts? does anyone ever go through and check on them?

Response from Koni: Hey there! I appreciate you bringing this up. I do go through the Embassies  every couple months, usually. Due to family emergencies this year, I haven't had a chance to take a look at them since March or so. Before I'd even seen this feedback (I saw it on the 9th) I had already started the process of messaging players and warning them that I will be deleting inactive Embassies at the end of August. So if there is a specific Embassy you're wanting, make sure to keep an eye on it! It may be up for grabs soon. Also, always feel free to reach out to me directly if there is an Embassy you notice has gone inactive or down to a basic account! Sometimes I may miss it in my look through or it may go inactive right after a look over.


(apologies from Blitz...I'm clearly on summer brain and only realized it was August last night and that I hadn't done the feedback yet LOL)



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Administrator blitz✊🏻PROJECT🌈
August 9th, 2024 6:16:56pm
6,442 Posts

Summer brain is real, yo



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Jaya • The warriors are here; come out and play
August 9th, 2024 8:35:40pm
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utakata -✨-{main; dwbs}- - and that, love, was that
August 10th, 2024 4:31:09am
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I could swear that a while back there was a little survey put out about potential changes to the embassy system/how people thought it could be improved to incentivise continued activity and help increase engagement. Were any of the results from that ever considered? I love the concept of embassies (and enjoy doing my little bit with the Lusos), but they're a bit stagnant.

(I believe said poll is mentioned linked here



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Insomnia ⸸ 🩷🖤💙trying to get my life together
August 10th, 2024 7:24:41am
2,697 Posts

Lmao July brain! It's okay xD



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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. Laptop conked out, plz hold…🤦‍♀️
August 10th, 2024 8:52:08am
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Oooo, I forgot about that poll, uta.



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Saturniaᛉ 🎃 Your ghost host 👻
August 11th, 2024 8:19:37am
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The main one I looked at was the joined by year for the #1 question. 

Koni - one of my old accounts is connected to the Boxer embassy.. can we connect my main #444 to it? OR can we create a test embassy that I can use for testing layouts?


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September 1st, 2024 7:29:32pm
23 Posts

For the first one, the banned players in rankings, I see that for 2024 there are two banned accounts on the list(there are also quite a few on previous years as well)


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Administrator blitz✊🏻PROJECT🌈
September 1st, 2024 10:23:44pm
6,442 Posts

Again, the join year ones are meant to be interest ones, not ones that do achievements. If you REALLY want to have it eat banned accounts, I could see if I could figure it out once my meds gets sorted.


(They put me on generic for my adhd meds because they were newly available a few weeks ago. Which was different and not as good on my brain but not an issue until I went back to work this week and had to, you know, actually be productive and think LOL. Working on getting back on the "real stuff" so in the meantime my brain's not a coding-friendly place unfortunately!)



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Insomnia ⸸ 🩷🖤💙trying to get my life together
September 5th, 2024 5:38:06pm
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Blitzy we love everything you do! Take you're time :)



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Saturniaᛉ 🎃 Your ghost host 👻
September 6th, 2024 5:36:16pm
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If it's too much trouble - don't worry! I just hate seeing banned accounts included, even if it's not for achievement. 
and I agree with Insom! We love and appreciate you SO MUCH !!


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