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2024 ~ Jack-o-Lantern Carving Contest!

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Content Moderator 🐈~BV~(Away till Sept 24th - Moorf Watching)πŸ‚
September 16th, 2024 12:06:52am
8,568 Posts

Jack-o-Lantern Carving Time!
Offering this a little early since my next few weeks are going to be crazy!
But also, it's never to early for Spooky Season! :p

Using this Pumpkin Template turn your pumpkin into a Jack-o-Lantern!
All the fun without the gooey mess! :p

* Please leave the "Trick-or-Treat! 2024" on the image! *
* Please also leave the background set to "Transparent" on the image! *

You can use whatever program you have to create your design. (ex. Paint/Photoshop/Gimp)
Upload your image and send me BV (#22700) a message with your finished entry!
This year we are keeping the Jacks hidden until voting time!
Muahahaha! xD

* One pumpkin per player! *
Once the entry deadline has passed a voting form will be provided for you in order to vote for your favorite out of the pumpkin patch!
The Jack-o-Lantern with the most votes will be used in this year's Trick-or-Treating Event!

***Special Note*** - If you are interested in wanting to host a Jack-o-Lantern for the Trick-or-Treating event on your main page, I will be collecting code words during the voting period - NOT before!, and a separate message will be sent with instructions prior to the start of the event!


* Jack-o-Lanterns accepted Now through 11:59pm HP time on October 6th!
* Voting will be October 7th-22nd!
* Trick-or-Treating will run October 25th-28th!
(We decided to host it the weekend before Halloween since during the week is hard to be online for a lot of players)

If you have any questions please feel fee to send a message my way!
Another Side Note: I will be away September 17th-24th & October 9th-19th!
So any messages during those times will be left unread until I return! :)
If anything is super urgent the rest of the Staff can get a hold of me if need be.

Happy almost Fall!
~Broken Vow (#22700)

pjd1sOi.png uoRNx1M.png BGYKLiO.png


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Content Moderator 🐈~BV~(Away till Sept 24th - Moorf Watching)πŸ‚
September 16th, 2024 12:08:59am
8,568 Posts

Just a Couple Examples of past Jack-o-Lanterns! :D

pjd1sOi.png uoRNx1M.png BGYKLiO.png


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Kuwait | Very Demure, Very Mindful G.S.D.s |
September 16th, 2024 4:23:46pm
2,880 Posts

I just made mine, but coloured the background blue, and it has white writing. D:



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Saturniaᛉ spooky scary skeletons πŸ‘»
September 16th, 2024 6:23:05pm
3,922 Posts

Yayayayayayyyyyyy!! My fave event πŸ˜πŸ˜ˆπŸŽƒ


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