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Animal Pictures

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October 26th, 2024 8:33:52am
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My pictures got denied because of the use of AI. I had all the correct sources on them, even paid for the AI and have a copy right certificate.. So you can understand my frustration. I started over creating new pictures.. I would like to know if these are correct before putting them on my animals. Here is an example..

If it's not ok.. Why? I'm trying to learn.


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October 26th, 2024 11:34:02am
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So if I make the pictures by hand then I can use them for my dogs and horses because it isnt cosidered AI?


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Content Moderator Moorfine {Empire of Unruly Unicorns} - Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all
October 26th, 2024 12:04:01pm
1,894 Posts

We understand how frustrating this can be, but we did not come to this decision lightly. AI images are a mashup of many different artists/photographers work, and there is no way to credit each individual artist. So getting permission from the AI side of things to use their art, doesn't mean much unfortunately.

Blitz has put together a very detailed explanation of her decision on the matter here:

The image you have provided cannot be used as it is an AI generated image. All images used must be clearly stated as stock images in order to be used on Horse Phenomena.



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N.adhima ✝️ 🎨 Phenomenal Paints
October 26th, 2024 12:25:07pm
2,190 Posts

I can't help you with whether you're creating usable images as I clearly am not familiar with what AI images are to begin with. I have no idea what Moorf is seeing in this one that tells her it's an AI image. How can you tell? What are you looking for? I certainly can't tell but like I said, that probably comes from not knowing what AI even is. Not that I need to because I have no interest in using AI for anything anyways (even if we were allowed to).

But i can help you create some images that aren't if you're feeling overwhelmed.

Like this one would be stock: It clearly states that it's "free for SIM games outside of DA as long as it's credited properly." Other DA users that are good for stock images are Tragedyseen, colourize-stock, Venomxbaby, to name a few that pop right out of my head. Those are the main users I gravitate towards.

Heres another stock images of a vanner type horse:



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amberellie - idk what day it is
October 26th, 2024 1:20:55pm
731 Posts

Can't use AI in general on the game, even if Photoshop has that option on the program.  You must gather stock and make pictures manually.  You can use purchased stock or stock that can be used for SIM games.


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October 26th, 2024 1:46:50pm
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Amberellie.. I purchased my pictures from Those where the images I was using. I see that you have also used pictures from this site. I'm not sure why I'm not allowed...


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October 26th, 2024 1:54:58pm
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I have purchased this picture directly from I have labelled them by the creator. I added my own text to the photo and then uploaded it on to credit myself for the text. Is this acceptable? Like this one..



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Binx 🦇 • ‹𝖒𝖆𝖎𝖓› british spotted ponies {making a slow comeback}
October 26th, 2024 2:30:58pm
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That still looks like AI for the image has been used, but a Mod or an administrator will be able to confirm if it is or not. Like Ambrellie said, you have to find stock photos and make the actual image yourself.

I would also suggest that you take a look and read this article that Moorfine posted above:, it explains why AI images aren't allowed and more. 

I'm sorry that your frustrated with this, however these rules are put in place for a reason and it's our responsibility to follow and respect them. 

If your looking for stock, there are lots of sites that can be used for stock, I'd recommend looking here:, it's got lots of different stock website options that you can look into. 

❤️💛🧡 I see your true colors shining through 💚💙💜


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amberellie - idk what day it is
October 26th, 2024 2:44:35pm
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You said in your forum post about using Ai, and I commented you can't use Ai.  The last time I used dreamstime was before Ai.  If you have problems you should contact Blitz.   Ai has been dicussed many times on the game.

I've been on the game a long time, and I have also made mistakes for the wrong photos used in pictures.   Everything is a learning experience.  You shall have a good understanding after awhile on what can and cannot be used.


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October 26th, 2024 8:23:23pm
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I've done a lot of reading up on the subject. I went to a free recommended site that was listed pixabay. I searched up ghost pit bull and white pit bull because I want to make an image for my dog called Casper. I found this image that I like.. Before I go and make all new images.. Is this image ok to use and who do I credit? I also use to create some of the font so would I add as well to the photo?


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Administrator blitz✊🏻PROJECT🌈
October 26th, 2024 9:04:13pm
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I am EXTREMELY confident that that image is AI.

AI images/photos have a certain "look" to them. They're too smooth. They look TOO perfect. That one you linked of the dog in the woods with the ghost? 100%. That's AI. The dog looks TOO smooth.


Specifically Q8. See how the top image just looks TOO smooth even though it does still look somewhat realistic?

That website also has some good tips on spotting real vs AI images if you scroll past the quiz.

How to avoid using them? Many photo/image sites out there that offer stock images now have the option of not including AI-generated images in your results. Not all do, however. Some also will state in the name of the image, in the tags on it, etc.

Here are two free sites that you can upload an image to to check if you aren't sure:

To test them out for this reply, I uploaded your ghost dog image into both. Both came back with 99.9% certainty that the image is AI.


Honestly, I think your best bet is to find the different aspects of the image you want, then create it yourself by putting them together, as opposed to searching the internet for a stock photo of a white pitbull in the forest with a ghost. Doing that will only get you AI. In your Casper image, for example...find a stock image of a white pitbull. A stock image of a ghost. A stock image of a forest. Then cut out the dog and ghost using an image editing program like Photoshop, Canva, Paint, etc.



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Farewell's Paint Horses {I'm getting there}
October 26th, 2024 9:31:33pm
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Yeah it's definitly AI like blitz said. If you would like I can send you a link to an old version of photoshop so you can do it yourself. When looking for stock you need to look at copy rights so like on pixabay I can type in pitbull and get a page that look like this: That first row will always be paid for images so if you move down. The page I'll click the image of a pitbull with kisses all over it's face in that second row. On pixabay you wanna look for a "free to use" license. You can see that here in the top right section: . AI are tricky things but you will get the hang of it!


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October 27th, 2024 8:56:51am
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That's what I like about the photos.. that they look smooth. That's what I look for in a photo. I suffer from axiety and depression and I have to say.. my time here on HP has made my mental health worse.. I feel like I'm the singled out new kid and made to feel bad about my taste in photos.. I've seen several smooth players pages and some animal pictures as well.. I loved HL.. the graphics part was my thing.. I'm literally crying and I can't deal with this.. so for my mental health I will not be back. I'm marking all my animals for deletion and then I'm leaving. Have a Happy Halloween.


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Tragedy [upgrades 280mill]
October 27th, 2024 9:10:31am
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Keena - I am sorry you have felt singled out and targeted for this! I am positive that was not anyone's intention. I have been playing the game off and on since 2009 and just a couple months ago had to have credit placement explained for a layout image so it happens to everyone. We are all just held to a standard whether new or old players. If you need help with images there are many of us that can help make/guide you in doing so. I have A post with free images for use on the game that I created. 

speaking on "smooth images" some artists style is more similar to something like that or possibly they hand painted/drew the image themselves! Everyone has a style they like and prefer which does make it so fun but I would say that there is still a big difference from AI to these peoples creations. If you ever have a question about an image like that you can always ask as well. Knowledge is power and perhaps you could help educate someone else. Everyone was just responding to your questions as you had asked. When this topic first came to be it was a hot topic but the community has agreed on it. 

I'm sure I speak for many in hoping that you do return and enjoy the game! But mental health is the most important and you need to do what is best for yourself. I hope you have a happy Halloween and rest of the year. 



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October 27th, 2024 9:26:30am
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Just out of curiousity.. How was this image made and why is it not considered AI?

Like what programs, etc made it?  This is one of those smooth images I'm talking about and being on a main page I know it can't be AI.. So that's why I chose it.. In one last ditch effort to learn..


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Binx 🦇 • ‹𝖒𝖆𝖎𝖓› british spotted ponies {making a slow comeback}
October 27th, 2024 10:02:10am
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I could be totally wrong.. but I believe that background on the main page was painted by someone. There are tons of different graphic programs that you can use to make graphics.

Just to name a few of them..

- Canva

- Photoshop

- Krita

- Gimp

All of these programs can create beautiful graphics. 

❤️💛🧡 I see your true colors shining through 💚💙💜


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N.adhima 3 {2024-12-22} ✝️🍻 Dazzling Drafts
October 27th, 2024 10:13:58am
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I use gimp myself because I don't have the extra money to spend on photoshop.

This is the image i made for my Gypsy vanners using Gimp:

I'm more than willing to help you! Or make some images for you if you like! I hate to see you quit over this! 

If you need to take a break though, I'm also more than willing to take your Gypsy Vanners on my account and keep them going for you so what you've done so far isn't wasted. Then if you ever decide to come back, you can have them back!



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Tragedy [upgrades 280mill]
October 27th, 2024 10:22:36am
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@keena - the image you mentioned is indeed drawn by hand on a computer. Obviously this is allowed as all aspects were created by hand by one individual person. So all credit belongs to them in that sense because they drew it!

Gimp is indeed free to download and use. I also use gimp for my one images! Canva is free to a certain level then you can pay a fee for the upgraded version with more helpful tools, etc. I used to use just regular paint that comes on the computer years and years ago. There are also many artists on here that sell their work or may be interested in working out a deal with you on something. 

many of us also just use own image for all of our animals instead of having individual animals for each. Maybe a new one for each generation!



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Administrator blitz✊🏻PROJECT🌈
October 27th, 2024 1:57:31pm
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Keena: I promise, you're not the first or only person to be "caught" using AI (caught being in quotes because I can't think of another word to use). Actually while I was doing the Hallowe'en trick or treating event yesterday I found another player who used AI for something and reported it for the mods. You aren't the first, and you won't be the last, trust me lol.

Regarding the layout image for the the above players said, that was in fact hand drawn by an artist Sam (the game owner) commissioned specifically to do 5 layout images for the for each season, plus one for dark mode. The horse in the image was drawn to look like Sam's horse Pilot, and the dog her dog Sully. If you're wondering about the artist, there's a link to their instagram account in the Art section of the Credits page (bottom of every page on HP!). 

For what it's worth, many people are constantly confused by AI...myself included. I had to do a crash course on it and copyright (which I'm also not an expert on!) when AI started to be used on HP and people started asking questions on how ethical it was. AI itself is also a fast-growing area that I strongly believe is being used far too much without people understanding the ramifications of relying on it more and more. The school board I work for has actually totally embraced it and is even promoting students learning to use it in class this year, I think in an attempt to come off as "that innovative school board" without stopping to consider the negative side effects of it...students using it to write papers instead of having to use their brains to come up with it, for example. There was a "lunch and learn" presentation at one of my schools this past week where a consultant from the school board office came and told all the teachers who attended all about how they could use it to write report cards for them...which...isn't that kind making their jobs more obsolete if AI is doing more and more of it??

But yeah. I'll step off the soap box lol



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October 27th, 2024 4:22:50pm
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Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement. I don't want to have to keep asking over and over for approval for each and every image... Going forward would it be acceptable for me to use As long as it's more likely human than AI.. This image is near and dear to me because it's exactly what I was wanting for my layout.. It took me several hours searching to find the exact one and I added Blissful Acres to it and did some extra coloring to it as well to make it have more characteristic.



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October 27th, 2024 4:23:37pm
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also thats really cool about the graphics used on this site! I wish I had that kind of talent!


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