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Quick Run-Down on How To Play!

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
December 12th, 2015 4:16:50pm
4,333 Posts

Since we have a lot of new and returning players this month, it was suggested in chat that we do a condensed version of the help guide on how to train and get started on HP! :).

If you're looking for more in-depth information on any topic within the game, you can also check our help guides, which are all linked up in the Help tab! I'm linking them here for your reference, though. At the very least, I highly recommend you browse the FAQ!

Getting Started Guide, General Help, Upgrade Help, Other Helpful Info, and Frequently Asked Questions

How to Train/Show

Training/showing is a little bit more modern on HP than other classic-style SIM games. It also has some nuances with points and such, so here's a quick run-down of what to do!

To be elligiable to enter shows horses/dogs have to see the vet, the farrier (horses)/groomer (dogs), and be fed. They will come with 7 days of feed from the store, but you'll need to find them a boarding stable if you're not upgraded to continue to get them fed. You can find links to vet and farrier/groomer under the animal's picture!

It's best if you select a breed specialty, because you get a lot of training and breeding perks for animals in your specialty. You can make your selection on your Edit Profile page. You're allowed to change this once a week, and may only have one set per account! If you're on a basic account, you get double entrance points for your breed specialty. If you're on an upgraded account, you'll also get an option to enter 10 shows at one time (the enter-all), 1.5x points if you place in the top 10, and an extra 10 energy each week (as well as some breeding perks).

To enter shows, go to your animal's page and click the "Enter Shows" link next to the vet/farrier/groomer links under the picture. Go ahead and input the date you want to show your animal and then hit search. You'll get a list of possible shows to enter and can click "Enter Show!" and then you're done!

Your energy corresponds directly to the amount of shows you can enter, 1 energy = 1 show for the week. Energy resets back up to 80 on Sunday every day whether you have used it or not. You get 70 per week, 80 if you're upgraded with a breed specialty, and options to buy more in the store and cash shop. You can train for the entire week on any day of the week, if you want to, but you can enter a maximum of 20 shows to run on a single day.

Other Training/Showing Information

  • Placing in shows is random, with first place getting 2,000 points, second place getting 1,960 points, etc. on down the line to 50 places.

  • You get your entrace points when you ENTER the show, not when it runs.

  • Your energy will go down when you enter the show, not when the show runs.

  • HP does have public and private shows as well as auto shows. Anyone can enter public shows, your animals need to be accepted by the owner to enter private shows, and auto shows are public shows which are made by the game every day to ensure that there are enough shows to go around.

  • Entrance fees are between $0 and $3000.

  • To find any information about a show you want to enter, you can search for it in the show search (in the Search tab in the main navigation) or you can click on the show's name directly from the entrance page.

    Making Shows

    All players can make public shows once a week. You can make one horse show and one dog show. You can do this from your home page by scrolling down past your horses, dogs, and events tabs and clicking the "create a show" link.

    Upgraded players can ALSO make private shows (one horse and one dog).

    As with most systems on HP, making new shows resets Sunday, so even if you make your shows on Saturday to run Tuesday, you will still be able to make shows again on Sunday.

    Additional Information

  • Horses are trainable and breedable at the age of 3, and retire at the age of 21. This is the age they come when you buy them from the store.

  • Dogs are trainable and breedable at the age of 2, and retire at the age of 16. This is the age they come when you buy them from the store.

  • Regardless of the day of the week that you buy them, animals from the store will ALWAYS age on Sundays. So if you buy a horse on a Friday it will be 3, but it WILL age to 4 in two days on the Sunday. However, bred animals will age on the day that they are born.


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    Player Avatar
    Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
    December 12th, 2015 4:39:57pm
    4,333 Posts

    Bumping this up!


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    Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~☘️
    December 13th, 2015 1:26:43am
    8,830 Posts

    Good Stuff! :D

    pjd1sOi.png uoRNx1M.png BGYKLiO.png


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    Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
    December 13th, 2015 2:35:38am
    2,126 Posts

    bumps! ♥

    Paints since 6-8-14


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