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CHAT PARTY - Scavenger Hunt

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Zadkiel »
April 22nd, 2017 4:21:06am
1,333 Posts

Its Happening AGAIN!!! Once Again I am unable to make the chat party! So we have another awesome Scavenger Hunt!!

What this means is that you will need to look around your house / go outside and take pictures of any of the listed items. (PLEASE NOTE - You have to take photos of the actual Items. YOU CANNOT take photos of your screen which has pictures of these items!) Once you find something on the list, you must take a picture of the item with a piece of paper in the image with your Username on it. Like - http://i.imgur.com/xmszgkc.jpg As you can see from this image its sometime hard to keep name and item in focus so if need be, I will accept 2 images. One of the item and one taken immediately in the same area. 

Please reply to this post with all your entries in one post. I will only do the final tally at the end of the event so feel free to add images over the next 2 weeks as you find them!

You do not have to find everything on this list. But for each one you find you will receive 1,000pts. This means that if you find all 20 items you will get a total of 20k pts!

You have until 11:59pm 6 May (HP Time) to update your List in reply to this forum!

1. Something with Teeth
2. Something that can go in Water
3. Something Healthly to eat (real or toy food)
4. Something used to play sports
5. Something that Lights up
6. A piece to a board game
7. Something you can look through
8. Something Fuzzy
9. Something bumpy
10. Something Yellow
11. Something Pink
12. Something with the number "4"
13. Something with the letter "J"
14. something that flies
15. Something that Spins
16. A Picture/photo of someone/something you love
17. Something that is heart-shaped
18. Something you wear on your feet
19. Something Cold
20. Something Shiny!



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Zadkiel »
April 22nd, 2017 4:21:51am
1,333 Posts

1. Something with Teeth

2. Something that can go in Water

3. Something Healthly to eat (real or toy food)

4. Something used to play sports

5. Something that Lights up

6. A piece to a board game

7. Something you can look through

8. Something Fuzzy

9. Something bumpy

10. Something Yellow

11. Something Pink

12. Something with the number "4"

13. Something with the letter "J"

14. something that flies

15. Something that Spins

16. A Picture/photo of someone/something you love

17. Something that is heart-shaped

18. Something you wear on your feet

19. Something Cold

20. Something Shiny!




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primrose •• truth, dare, spin bottles ♥
April 22nd, 2017 6:35:21am
2,687 Posts

Get ready set go 😈


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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥
April 23rd, 2017 2:01:50am
4,524 Posts

1. Something with Teeth

2. Something that can go in Water

3. Something Healthly to eat (real or toy food)

4. Something used to play sports

5. Something that Lights up

6. A piece to a board game

7. Something you can look through

8. Something Fuzzy

9. Something bumpy

10. Something Yellow

11. Something Pink

12. Something with the number "4"

13. Something with the letter "J"

14. something that flies

15. Something that Spins

16. A Picture/photo of someone/something you love

17. Something that is heart-shaped

18. Something you wear on your feet

19. Something Cold

20. Something Shiny!


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trig ❄️ the best is yet to come
April 23rd, 2017 2:15:25am
3,615 Posts

these are my favorites! 

Bailey Lucky Diesel Mixed Berries rooster-icon-2-orig_orig.png


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Overture - Paints (Again, shocking)
April 23rd, 2017 5:40:28am
36 Posts

 Does Jackson count as something that spins? XD



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Zadkiel »
April 23rd, 2017 6:26:01am
1,333 Posts

technically yes Over!

I love how on to this Tron is!

Its that easy guys! You shoul dbe able to find most things around the house!


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opal heart ✮ land's end nokotas
April 23rd, 2017 11:14:05am
465 Posts

I love thissssss! Hope I have time to play!


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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
April 23rd, 2017 1:22:38pm
29,792 Posts

Tron! What is that game you have with the cows?!



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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥
April 23rd, 2017 3:26:38pm
4,524 Posts

Pants!  It's The Farming Game!  It's a lot of fun!  It's big in this area because it was made by a farmer from here!



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trig ❄️ the best is yet to come
April 23rd, 2017 10:53:36pm
3,615 Posts

1. Something with Teeth

2. Something that can go in Water (our poor boat is buried :c)

3. Something Healthly to eat (real or toy food)

4. Something used to play sports

5. Something that Lights up

6. A piece to a board game

7. Something you can look through

8. Something Fuzzy

9. Something bumpy

10. Something Yellow

11. Something Pink

12. Something with the number "4"

13. Something with the letter "J"

14. something that flies

15. Something that Spins

16. A Picture/photo of someone/something you love

17. Something that is heart-shaped

18. Something you wear on your feet

19. Something Cold

20. Something Shiny!

Bailey Lucky Diesel Mixed Berries rooster-icon-2-orig_orig.png


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Eyre ❅ be kind
April 25th, 2017 5:43:07pm
10,135 Posts

 1. Something with teeth





2. Something that can go in water





3. Something healthy to eat





4. Something used to play sports




5. Something that lights up


6. Piece to a board game





7. Something you can look through





8. Something fuzzy





9. Something bumpy




10. Something yellow





11. Something pink





12. Something with the number 4





13. Something with the letter J



14. Something that flies




15. Something that spins



16. Picture of someone/something you love




or if it has to be an actual picture



17. something heart-shaped



18. Something you wear on your feet




19. Something cold



20. Something shiny




(Try these instead, tron.) I couldn't figure out why the pictures weren't showing up directly in the forum post so I had to just stick them all in my Stash and provided the links instead.





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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥
April 25th, 2017 7:39:57pm
4,524 Posts

Eek!  None of your images are showing up for me Eyre. :(



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Eyre ❅ be kind
April 26th, 2017 2:27:15am
10,135 Posts

Ah! Technology and me! Adversaries! lol



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Zadkiel »
April 30th, 2017 9:59:40pm
1,333 Posts

A reminder to everyone!! You have 1 week left! get entering!


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May 7th, 2017 3:07:01am
51 Posts

1. Something with Teeth


View post on imgur.com


2. Something that can go in Water




3. Something Healthly to eat (real or toy food)


4. Something used to play sports


5. Something that Lights up




6. A piece to a board game
7. Something you can look through


8. Something Fuzzy


9. Something bumpy


10. Something Yellow


11. Something Pink


12. Something with the number "4"


13. Something with the letter "J"


14. something that flies


15. Something that Spins


16. A Picture/photo of someone/something you love


17. Something that is heart-shaped


18. Something you wear on your feet


19. Something Cold


20. Something Shiny!





Soooooo apparently I don't know how to forum?


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Zadkiel »
May 7th, 2017 4:52:42am
1,333 Posts

This Hunt is now closed! Everyone that entered should get their messages!


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Content Moderator Moorfine {Empire of Unruly Unicorns} - Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all
May 7th, 2017 1:48:32pm
1,975 Posts

Well shoot! I forgot all about this. Fun pictures everyone!



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