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Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly! January 31st, 2015 2:55:27pm 4,333 Posts |
We're going to do a mad lib!
The idea is to come up with a totally ridiculous story, so you come up with all of the words and then you fill them into the story even if they don't make sense!
To enter, please fill out the story (link here: http://www.madglibs.com/showglib.php?glibid=187) and then copy/paste or screenshot it and reply to this post with it before midnight! Please fill it in with original words and do not use their random generator!
Each person who participates will recieve 1,000,000 HPD! And a bonus prize of 1 cash shop credit for the most hilarious story (as chosen by me!).
Normally we do this in chat so it works a bit differently, but I think doing it this way will work best for a forum game!
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Sleepy Hollow ♥ January 31st, 2015 3:48:50pm 16 Posts
dear aidan, I am having a(n) kinky time at camp. The counselour is babyish and the food is smelly. I met hunter and we became flakey friends. Unfortunately, hunter is fickle and I chewed my leg so we couldn`t go gushing like everybody else. I need more waterfall and a pond sharpener, so please sexy swimming more when you sneezing back. Your melissa, hunter
aphrodite January 31st, 2015 3:54:36pm 102 Posts
Dear Uncle Dickenbox, I am having a(n) Enormous time at camp. The counselour is Shy and the food is Pretty. I met Saveloy and we became Yellow friends. Unfortunately, Saveloy is Tiny and ISlipped my Pelvis so we couldn`t go Sniffing like everybody else. I need more Bananas and a Bed sharpener, so please Tolerantly Slick more when you Pacing back. Your Sister, Dog |
Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners January 31st, 2015 4:17:12pm 1,308 Posts
Dear Second Cousin Twice Removed, I am having a(n) Soft time at camp. The counselour is Fuzzy and the food is Crazy. I met Holly and we became Binding friends. Unfortunately, Holly is Disappointed and IWedged my Elbow so we couldn`t go Meowing like everybody else. I need more Catsand a Kitten sharpener, so please Relentlessly Transcribe more when you Flank back. Your Grandmother's Aunt, Chris
BANNED January 31st, 2015 4:38:22pm 1 Posts
Dear Cousin, I am having a(n) Scary time at camp. The counselour is Hairy and the food is Wary. I met Bob McDonald III and we became Grumpy friends. Unfortunately, Bob McDonald III is Lumpy and I Kicked my Pinkie Finger so we couldn`t go Swimminglike everybody else. I need more Buckets and a Pony sharpener, so please Quickly Runmore when you Hide back. Your Uncle, Brandon
JD Farms||AQH||Back after a long hiatus! January 31st, 2015 4:47:23pm 98 Posts
Dear Brother (Twiced Removed On Mother's Side), I am having a(n) Urgent time at camp. The counselour is Chinese and the food is Ok. I met Max and we became Irate friends. Unfortunately, Max is Stormy and IEmphasized my Eyeball so we couldn`t go Mutilating like everybody else. I need moreSuicides and a Kitty sharpener, so please Piercingly Fume more when you Sprawlback. Your Sister, JD
Croft: Wintersong January 31st, 2015 5:21:30pm 1 Posts
Dear Elmer, I am having a(n) Snarly time at camp. The counselour is Green and the food is Fragile. I met JoJo and we became Stubby friends. Unfortunately, JoJo is Charming and I Detected my Tongue so we couldn`t go Slaying like everybody else. I need more Refrigerator and a Pomelo sharpener, so please Gently Bounce more when you Drive back. Your Connie, Friend
`Skip January 31st, 2015 7:50:17pm 20 Posts
Dear Mom, I am having a(n) Interesting time at camp. The counselour is Manly and the food isHormonal. I met Dad and we became Medical friends. Unfortunately, Dad is Intensiveand I Applied my Femur so we couldn`t go Exhibiting like everybody else. I need more Walnuts and a Treaty sharpener, so please Paler Descend more when you Kick The Bucket back. Your Sister, Me |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] January 31st, 2015 8:00:28pm 2,902 Posts
lol! Dear Sister, I am having a(n) Accessible time at camp. The counselour is Unwilling and the food isReady. I met Josh and we became Extreme friends. Unfortunately, Josh is Exotic and IReconsidered my Arm so we couldn`t go Blaming like everybody else. I need moreDorks and a Potential sharpener, so please Dissonantly Suspend more when youWithdraw back. Your Brother, Athlon |
z i n c ✨ hackneys [main] January 31st, 2015 8:30:17pm 12 Posts
Dear Merlin, I am having a(n) Muddled time at camp. The counselour is Diplomatic and the food isEnvious. I met Andrew and we became Gruesome friends. Unfortunately, Andrew isGenetic and I Smooched my Mane so we couldn`t go Thumping like everybody else. I need more Saddles and a Independence sharpener, so please Unbearably Lend more when you Vote back. Your Oscar, Aiden |
Zodiac January 31st, 2015 9:41:22pm 2 Posts
Dear Aunt Walker, I am having a(n) Used time at camp. The counselour is Happy and the food is Perfect. I met Bob and we became Sorry friends. Unfortunately, Bob is Uneven and I Yelled myArm so we couldn`t go Circling like everybody else. I need more Classes and a Sweatersharpener, so please Powerfully Mouth more when you React back. Your Mum, The Prime Minister |
Kirre Potter January 31st, 2015 9:56:34pm 420 Posts
I'm not very tallented at englishing.. Dear Catdog, I am having a(n) Dead time at camp. The counselour is Ugly and the food is Unsightly. I met Daisy and we became Gruesome friends. Unfortunately, Daisy is Disgusting and I Bewildered my Phalanges so we couldn't go Uninteresting like everybody else. I need more Bovine and a Downtown sharpener, so please Itchy Digest more when you Jump back. Your Brochino, Eeyore |
Chance -----> The Thoroughbred Factory January 31st, 2015 9:59:10pm 357 Posts
Dear Mr. Ed, I am having a(n) Treacherous time at camp. The counselour is Smelly and the food is Mushy. I met Paris Hilton and we became Breathtaking friends. Unfortunately, Paris Hilton is Roly-Poly and I Licked my Elbow so we couldn`t go Twerking like everybody else. I need more Toilette Paper and a Brain sharpener, so please Hippity Hop Lollygag more when you Dance back. Your Barney, Britney Spears |
catt ` Needs a new layout 🙃 Nad watching January 31st, 2015 10:23:14pm 673 Posts
Dear Mom, I am having a(n) Impossible time at camp. The counselour is Sincere and the food isEquivalent. I met A Mouse and we became Odd friends. Unfortunately, A Mouse isCrabby and I Smacked my Collar Bone so we couldn`t go Splashing like everybody else. I need more Rocks and a Gun sharpener, so please Awkwardly Whine more when you Creep back. Your Mom , A Mouse
Dubai :|| American Pitbull Terriers January 31st, 2015 10:27:47pm 4 Posts
Dear Dad, I am having a(n) bumpy time at camp. The counselour is familiar and the food is confident. I met Sadie and we became icky friends. Unfortunately, Sadie is strange and I squalled my claw so we couldn`t go breezing like everybody else. I need more colors and a polish sausage sharpener, so please snuffingly whinny more when you profess back. Your Uncle Sean, Sadie
Binny 🦄 [blitz watching] January 31st, 2015 11:36:03pm 2,907 Posts
Dear Nana, I am having a(n) Handsome time at camp. The counselour is Gifted and the food isFierce. I met Chris and we became Great friends. Unfortunately, Chris is Lively and IHarmed my Arm so we couldn`t go Chewing like everybody else. I need more Bubblesand a Grade sharpener, so please Commonly Arrive more when you Doubt back. Your Mother, Erik
AkadeannaH February 1st, 2015 12:50:02am 33 Posts
Dear Kathy, I am having a(n) laughable time at camp. The counselour is persistent and the food is straightforward. I met Carl and we became towering friends. Unfortunately, Carl is forboding and I combed my brain so we couldn`t go urging like everybody else. I need more matches and a rock sharpener, so please exultingly sniffle more when you eat back. Your Ken, Carl
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