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March 2025 ~ Player of the Month!

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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~☘️
March 7th, 2025 11:05:13pm
8,861 Posts

New For 2025: We will running P.o.t.M. like how our Pet of the Month Spotlight is running!
This will cut out the pressure of nominating & voting. Then anyone who want's to participate can!
Please read all the Info & How To Be Featured HERE!
(If no messages received - during the last week of the month I'll go around and message someone, then message other players/staff for community chatter assistance! :D)


Congratulations to our March's Player Spotlight Winner!


Lostcause (#1249), our scientist by day and gamer by night friend!

...Community Chatter...

These little shout-outs come from various players, not just staff!
"She has some amazing Morab lines going on!"
"Always super nice to talk to!"

...Interview Questions...

Anyone who wins P.o.t.M. can answer as many or all of the questions as they want or feel comfortable answering!

~...HP Questions...~
1. How did you first learn about us?
- Just like most of the long time players, I joined HP when Horseland changed it's play style!

2. What is your favorite thing about HP?
- While I don't frequently have the time to scan the forums I love the camaraderie that can be witnessed between players. It's such a friendly site!

3. How long have you been playing for?
- I joined when the game started in 2009 and have played on and off since. I took a hiatus for a few years in the 2010's but I've been back for a while now :)

4. How did you come up with your player name?
- Honestly, I was an emo child and still am an emo adult (it wasn't a phase, mom!) I found it humorous when I was younger and honestly I couldn't be bothered to come up with something different as I grew older. I've used the name for most horse SIMs since and I just continue the tradition. If you play other games you've probably seen my account there under the same name ;)

5. What is your favorite breed of horse or dog to train?
- Morabs!

6. What caused you to pick the breed(s) you train and breed?
- My love for the breed started on another game and I continued the tradition here. I've taken up/put down other breeds on HP but the Morabs have always stuck.

7. How do you come up with names for your animals?
- It's honestly just a crapshoot and I take names from TV shows, song names, plant Latin names, anything I think of! I run off whatever mood strikes me.

8. What are your current goals on HP?
- To continue to bring high quality Morabs to the game. I enjoy seeing how high I can train my horses before they hit retirement. I usually can't afford tickets so it's always interesting to see how many points they can get.

9. Do you have a favorite animal? (It can be your own or another player’s you admire!)
- N/A

10. Who’s your go-to graphic artist or coder? Are there any services you offer?
- N/A

11. What is your favorite Site-Wide yearly event?
- The May double points! I try to line up my breeding so my selected foal can benefit from the full month of training. It's really paid off for me in the past and has allowed me to train Morabs over 8mil.

12. What other contests or activities do you usually participate in?
- I love the puzzles! I've been having a blast also doing everyone's mascot puzzles.

13. Do you have any training or breeding tips to share?
- N/A

14. Which seasonal layout art is your favorite?
- Spring

15. If you could change one thing about HP, what would it be and why?
- N/A

16. What do you spend most of your time on HP doing?
- Training! I unfortunately don't have a lot of time to dedicate to the game as I have other real life things I have to do, but I still make sure that I log in each week to make sure everyone is trained. It's satisfying to check that off my to-do list.

17. What is your favorite Club?
- Rare Breeds Club

~...Real Life & Questions...~
1. Where are you from?
- Born and raised in Massachusetts

2. Does your place of residence have any sort of quirky history fact or legend/tradition, and if so, what is it?
- The city I was born in is known for inventing Valentine's Cards, the typewriter and the good ol' smiley face! I currently live an apartment that was part of the Underground Railroad.

3. What do you do for work?
- I work in biotech. I play with viruses and other tiny organisms daily.

4. Do you own any horses or dogs?
- I have a horse named Jade, a mini named Fluff and am recently 'stepmom' to my boyfriend's Shiba Inu named Link! He's the lovely boy I've sent a photo of for the interview :)

5. Do you have any other types of pets at home?
- My cat that I rescued out of a dumpster at 3 weeks old currently lives with my parents as Link doesn't understand that cats don't want to play all day long (he's not mean, he just doesn't understand the word chill lol). I also currently have a 9 year old Gargoyle Gecko named Drogo.

6. What are your favorite breeds of horse and dog?
- I'd love a Lab again once we can afford a home with a backyard and my dream horse breed to own has always been a KWPN.

7. Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?
- I love to read! I try to read daily if I can, and prefer to read fantasy/romantasy. I'm also a crazy plant lady and enjoy collecting anything I find interesting looking. I worked in a craft store for almost a decade and still enjoy doing random arts and crafts when I can as well.

8. What’s your favorite color?
- Teal

9. What’s your favorite Holiday or Month?
- May! I love Spring and it also happens to be my birthday month.

10. Do you have a favorite vacation spot? If so, what or where is it?
- My family spends some sort of time each summer on the Cape/Cape Cod.

11. Do you have any special talents? If so, what are they?
- N/A

12. If you could own any breed of horse, what would it be and why?
- N/A

13. If you could own any breed of dog, what would it be and why?
- N/A

14. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be and why?
- N/A

15. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
- N/A

16. What would be your dream job?
- N/A

17. What would be your dream meal of choice?
- N/A

18. What is the top thing on your Bucket List?
- N/A

19. What talent do you wish you had?
- N/A

20. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
- N/A

21. What is something you fear?
- N/A

22. What’s the funniest joke you heard recently?
- N/A

23. What Meme do you currently relate to? (please provide the pic link)
- N/A

24. Any good books or comics that you’ve read recently?
- A book I've read recently and has stuck with me is Blood Over Bright Haven by M.L. Wang. It's one of my only 5 star reads of the year (I know the year has just begun but I don't rate too many books 5 stars!)

25. Any good movies or shows you’ve seen lately?
- I just watched Flow and balled.

26. What is your go-to show to stream? (Via Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.)
- N/A

27. If you could transport yourself to any decade of past history, what would it be and why?
- N/A

28. What is your favorite kind of pizza?
- Pineapple pizza FTW

29. If you were an animal, what would you be, and why?
- N/A

30. What is your favorite recipe/dish/food to make?
- Quesadillas are a true weakness of mine.


Check out the ~Player Of The Month~Hub~!
All information, form with interview questions, and previous spotlight players can be found there!


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Player Avatar
Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~☘️
March 7th, 2025 11:06:14pm
8,861 Posts


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