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Mango's Epic Quest: Valhalla - Chapter Eight

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mango πŸ‘ stay your pretty eyes on course
November 21st, 2021 8:24:29pm
2,926 Posts


Be sure to read the previous chapters!
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII

The night is dark and still.

The endless expanse of space stretches far and wide beyond the deck of your ship. A sea of stars washes around the fleet, swathes of flickering light amidst an eternal night so deep and cold. The silence of the void has pressed through the shields, blanketing the ship and its crew. As you sit on the prow, eyes sightlessly peering through the shadows ahead, you know this same stillness has overcome the entirety of the fleet.

Everything is set. All the preparations made, the new mechanics tested as thoroughly as possible. The jump coordinates have been entered; all that remains is the signal from the Sleipnir.

The massive command ship sits quiet in the midst of the fleet.

For now, in these precious moments before launching into the unknown, it is the time for peace and reflection. Now is the time to pause and consider your life, your choices, your path. To determine the depths of your resolve, to make the choice of whether or not to continue. Each soul aboard must look inside themselves and pursue the calling of their own path.

Ahead lies the ultimate uncertainty - a nigh impossible journey through the unexplored dangers of a black hole. What awaits you, you could never begin to guess. Even the Snake Clan Vikings have no idea what awaits on the other side, if it exists, or what the journey entails.

And so each of you sits in silence, lost in the seas of your mind.

The risk is great, but the reward… is Valhalla.


Welcome back to Chapter VIII of the Epic Quest - Valhalla!

Here’s how the Epic Quest works: I will host an activity each month that plays into the story being told. You’ll earn small prizes for each activity you complete - like points, HPD, or cash shop items. You’ll also earnΒ XP points, and the player with the most XP points at the end of the year - December 2021 - will win theΒ grand prize:
1. This fully coded layout (currently a WIP)Β and
2. Matching animal CSS and
3. A 1-year upgrade!

Participate in the Epic Quest activityΒ every month of the year, and you’ll earn a special prize:
1. An official HP achievement and
2. A store pair with 100k points.

If you haven't joined yet but would like to, check outΒ Chapter IΒ to figure out how to create your Viking! You need to message me with a clan, a specialty, and a name - then you can join one of the crews below!

If you have any questions about the quest, prizes, or how it works, don’t hesitate to message me!



Before you begin your journey into the unknown, you must take the time to settle your thoughts and motives, to make peace with the path you’ve chosen to walk. This is something that can only be done alone - there will be no collective crew rewards for this Chapter.

Your task? Reply to this forum thread with something you are thankful for, something that makes you happy, something that brings you contentment. You can reply in character or as yourself, and you can reply up to 10 times a day.

Each reply will earn you 1 XP point.

The catch is that you cannot double post - you must wait until another Viking has posted their contemplative thought before posting another of yours. Also, you cannot post the same thing twice.

You may post your thoughts until 11:59 pm HP time on Sunday, Nov. 28th.


Message me up to two choices you’ve made or events that have happened to you that were very important to you. Make sure these are HP appropriate events/choices that you are ok with other HPers knowing about.Β 

You can choose events that happened here on HP or in real life. You can also choose to make up these choices or events as things that have happened to your character, rather than real things that happened to you.

For each event/choice you message me, you will earn 5 XP points.

You have until 11:59 pm HP time on Sunday, Nov. 28th to message me.

Each contemplative reply to this forum thread - 1 XP point.
Each event/choice messaged to me - 5 XP points.
BONUS: Message me the HP animal you are proudest of training for 10k points (that can go on any animal you want, not limited to the one you send me).




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πš‘πšŽπš›πšŽπšπš’πšŒ 𓆣
November 28th, 2021 1:29:38pm
1,013 Posts

I'm thankful for the days I get to bake with my mom 🧑


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Jaya β€’ If you wanna survive, burn bright
November 28th, 2021 1:32:12pm
27,686 Posts

I'm thankful for the show Supernatural.



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πš‘πšŽπš›πšŽπšπš’πšŒ 𓆣
November 28th, 2021 1:36:21pm
1,013 Posts

I'm thankful for Jaya buying my horse shows otherwise they'd go to waste 😁


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Jaya β€’ If you wanna survive, burn bright
November 28th, 2021 1:38:03pm
27,686 Posts



I am thankful for McDonald's holiday pies!



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πš‘πšŽπš›πšŽπšπš’πšŒ 𓆣
November 28th, 2021 1:51:37pm
1,013 Posts

I find contentment in watching horror films all day on my days off


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Jaya β€’ If you wanna survive, burn bright
November 28th, 2021 1:53:13pm
27,686 Posts

I am thankful for sunshine!



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πš‘πšŽπš›πšŽπšπš’πšŒ 𓆣
November 28th, 2021 1:56:50pm
1,013 Posts

I'm thankful for cold weather - I can't handle the heat lol


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Jaya β€’ If you wanna survive, burn bright
November 28th, 2021 1:59:07pm
27,686 Posts

I'm thankful for my husband being handy -- he's currently working on fixing my dryer!



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Naima {Ω†ΨΉΩŠΩ…Ψ©} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
November 28th, 2021 2:07:30pm
2,272 Posts

For days at home alone just the 3 of us!



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Jaya β€’ If you wanna survive, burn bright
November 28th, 2021 2:13:26pm
27,686 Posts

I'm thankful for nap time!



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Naima {Ω†ΨΉΩŠΩ…Ψ©} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
November 28th, 2021 2:19:36pm
2,272 Posts

When my in laws are actually willing to babysit so my husband and i can have time to ourselves without being climbed on. It doesnt happen very often.



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πš‘πšŽπš›πšŽπšπš’πšŒ 𓆣
November 28th, 2021 2:25:09pm
1,013 Posts

Thankful my indoor veggie garden is still alive lol


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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
November 28th, 2021 2:26:13pm
4,026 Posts

I am grateful for my best friends who are amazing and supportive too :)

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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πš‘πšŽπš›πšŽπšπš’πšŒ 𓆣
November 28th, 2021 2:32:40pm
1,013 Posts

I'm grateful that my brother and I are still close even after moving away from each other.


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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
November 28th, 2021 2:40:51pm
4,026 Posts

I am grateful for all those who have helped me with Outlaw - she just hit 14mill :)

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Naima {Ω†ΨΉΩŠΩ…Ψ©} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
November 28th, 2021 3:08:14pm
2,272 Posts

Indoor plumbing



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Tragedy {Legends Never Die}
November 28th, 2021 3:22:08pm
52 Posts

For the horses that help keep me sane!


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City of Angels - Home of Calamity
November 28th, 2021 3:35:30pm
4,026 Posts

I am grateful for playing in the snow with my zoomie pupper!

Rosa is awesome, Rosa is fine, Rosa didn't write this...


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Tragedy {Legends Never Die}
November 28th, 2021 4:03:23pm
52 Posts

I am grateful for Dutch bros coffee because I am obsessed lol


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Naima {Ω†ΨΉΩŠΩ…Ψ©} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
November 28th, 2021 4:13:37pm
2,272 Posts

Martinellis nonalcohlic sparkling cider! We have it every year with thanksgiving dinner. It's so good!



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