mango 🍑 i will be watching for your enemies December 12th, 2021 11:11:13pm 2,926 Posts |

Be sure to read the previous chapters for more information on prizes and how the Quest works! Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII The signal comes with a burst of light. A shower of flame pours from the bow of the massive command ship, bathing the night in a glowing sea that lashes against the Sleipnir’s gleaming golden shield. The grand ship eases into motion, leading the charge with its firestorm. It gathers up speed as it glides through the fleet, and the deck beneath your feet lurches to follow.
You tear your gaze from the spectacle that is the command ship, and look instead to the sails of your own. They drop with a rush, and instantly begin to billow and glow, gathering energy from the nearby star. You can feel the heart pounding in your chest as the ship powers on.
A beam of brilliant teal light spears up from the mast. When it hits your shields, it scatters into geometric shapes that race each other down and around the ship. A lattice of protection against the unknown.
Through the glowing mesh of energy, you spot a ship flash into nothingness as it makes the jump.
Your heart skips a beat.
A blazing streak of orange catches your periphery, and you spin just in time to watch as the Sleipnir sprints into the abyss. In its wake, the only thing that remains is the burn of its flames behind your eyes.
Your ship begins to surge. Around you, your fellow crewmates lift their voices in raucous shouts, screaming their courage in the face of danger. The clamour of swords on shields wrends the night. You draw your own blade to join in, and brace your feet on the deck with practiced ease.
As Vikings roar and weapons sing, the ship launches for Valhalla - and into the depths of oblivion. 
The universe warps around you. Existence melts away. Stars streak to nothing. Light twists in on itself. Sound vanishes with a hiss. The air is leaden. Darkness.. Pressure… Heavy… Death-
Then space. Empty space. Delirious space. Blackness and the void. An eternity of nothing. You are nothing, scattered atoms stretching far - too far - from where you should be. There is no body, no mind, no soul. Just energy. Movement. Wisps of what was once will and desire and identity.
And then light. A cutting beam, cold and stark. All-encompassing brilliance. It is blinding, painful, overwhelming. You would prefer the void–
Something stirs your hair. Fresh, gentle. Familiar. It carries the scent of life. A breeze.
You can feel yourself again: the skin beneath your clothes, the pull of your muscles. The air in your lungs. The steady thump of your heart.
You think for a moment, hiding in the darkness of your closed eyes. It’s only when you can remember your name that you find the courage to open your eyes. 
Pick one.
Are you standing in the midst of an endless sea of grass? Around you, waves of green ripple and shiver in the breeze, stretching as far as the eye can see. There is nothing to give you direction as you turn in place until- There. In the distance, a familiar shape. A single tree standing guard over the plain. With nothing else to guide you, you head towards it.
Are you standing at the bottom of a yawning ravine? On either side of you, layered stone stretches high into the sky. It’s smooth as water beneath your touch, not an edge or pocket to be found. Rich browns and warm gold surround you as the sunlight ricochets down to meet you. You cannot climb these walls; they’re far too smooth, and would otherwise be too steep. Your only option is to follow the gorge and see where it leads.
Are you standing in a shallow pool of water in the midst of a grand cavern? The slightest sound bounces off unforgiving rock walls, but the echoes are distant. Massive roots dangle from the ceiling, tangling around and between fierce stone pillars that spear down from above. Around you, lichen and fungi glow with faint light, casting no shadows but illuminating the cave. The water beneath you is trickling, following some unknown path into the depths. The way out must be against the flow.
Message Mango with your choice. Your next step will be revealed to you.